
Reddit Archive

This site uses the Pushshift API to create way to browse banned subreddits and user profiles.

The search forms allows for various special character to enable better searching.
Subreddit Inputfield allows you to seperate multiple subreddits using commas. To exclude a subreddit from your search you can use !. Same applies to the Author field.

Size defines how many results you want. By default it will look for 100 posts, which is also the maximum.
Score and Number of comments allows for the use of <,>,<=,>=. E.g. entering >100 into Score, will only find Submissions/Comments with more than 100 Upvotes.
Pushshift does not store scores for many submissions and comments, so sorting by score will often not give you the results you want. Sorting by Comments might be preferable.
For really old threads, it is not possible to recreate the threads with all the comments. E.g. here no comments will shows. There is nothing that can be done about that.

If you want to see post beyond the limit of 1000 use the <,>,<=,>= to manually paginate through the results.

The source code is available at and you can reach me by E-mail ihsoyct at

I do not store any data, if you want your data deleted reach out to Pushshift API.